Quo Vadis Choral Music Conference unites the world of choirs in Peja

Quo Vadis Choral Music Conference bashkon botën e koreve në Pejë

Topics such as "Joining a children's choir - stimulating youth for a full life of singing", "Challenges of a conductor's career", "Commissioning new music - needs and expectations", "Beyond borders - how to attract audiences" ", "Stimulators of a conductor's career" and "Steps of creating a network", are just some of those that will explore the activity in the "Jusuf Gërvalla" cinema as the main center of the event.

It is the choir with the name and winner of international awards "Siparantum" that has brought the international event to Peja, the city where the choir itself comes from. The event will occupy the cultural spaces in Peja from September 14 to 17. Presentations, discussion panels, concerts and conferences with prominent international and local figures of classical music offer opportunities to learn, share experiences and create new connections in the field of choral music within the "Quo Vadis Choral Music Conference"
The city of Peja will host one of the major international choral music events - "Quo Vadis Choral Music Conference". Presentations, discussion panels, concerts and conferences with prominent international and local figures of classical music offer opportunities to learn, share experiences and create new connections in the field of choral music.

It is the choir with the name and winner of international awards "Siparantum" that has brought the international event to Peja, the city where the choir itself comes from. The event will occupy the cultural spaces in Peja from September 14 to 17.
Topics such as "Joining a children's choir - stimulating youth for a full life of singing", "Challenges of a conductor's career", "Commissioning new music - needs and expectations", "Beyond borders - how to attract audiences" ", "Stimulators of a conductor's career" and "Steps of creating a network", are just some of those that will explore the activity in the "Jusuf Gërvalla" cinema, as the main center of the event, and further on in the Art Gallery, the music school "Halit Kasapolli", the youth center "Peja" and other spaces.
As part of the program, it is planned to hold the concert of "Siparantum" from Peja, with the theme "700 years of Albanian Song".

"This concert will bring a rich and attractive program that will reveal traditional Albanian choral music with a very attractive program for the audience. These two concerts will be held in the Catholic church "St. Katarina", in Peja", said the leader and conductor of the "Siparantum" choir, Memli Kelmendi, in an answer to KOĖN.

He has indicated that the opening ceremony will be held in the city's cinema. "The 'Jusuf Gërvalla' cinema will offer a suitable environment for the discussion panels and the main presentations of the conference. This important cultural space will create an atmosphere suitable for the exchange of ideas and experiences in choral music. The Art Gallery will be used for special presentations and art exhibits related to choral music. This environment will offer a new perspective to express the connection between art and music", said Kelmendi through a written answer.