Traditional Manifestation "Voice of Brotherhood 2023"

Manifestimi Tradicional “Zëri i Vëllazërisë 2023”

On 29.04.2023, the Traditional Manifestation "Voice of Brotherhood 2023" was held with the motto "Respect to the people of sublime sacrifices for the homeland", organized by the Association "Martin Dreshaj" in cooperation with the Municipality of Deçan.
Through this manifestation, the memory of the sons and daughters who with the UÇK emblem brought freedom to Kosovo was raised and we express our respect for all those who continue with their commitment and sublime sacrifices in the service of the homeland.

Also, within the framework of this manifestation, the twinning of our school "Heronjte e Dukagjini" in Gllogjan with the school "Dede Gjo Luli" from Hoti i Ri in Malesenia e Madhe has been done. On behalf of our school, the twinning document was signed by the director of the school Mrs. Lumnije Avdiaj, while for the school "Dede Gjo Luli" from Hoti i Ri in Shkodër, Mr. Kolë Hasani.

Në këtë manifestim përformuan edhe shkolla jonë, ku nxënësi Idol Hasaj me poezi dhe klas e pestë me valle të përgatitur nga mësimdhënësja e Klasës së Pestë znj.Alberita Lokaj-Hasaj, treguan një përformanc të shkëlqyeshme dhe u pritën mirë nga të pranishmit.

By building bridges through our art, culture and tradition, we become stronger than ever!
We thank the Municipality of Deçan with the Mayor Mr. Bashkim Ramosaj and the Director of the Directorate of Education in Deçan Mr. Besnik Hulaj, for selecting our school for twinning with the 9-year old school "Dede Gjo Luli" of Hoti i Hoti in Malesin e Madhe Shkodër and The association "Martin Dreshaj" for the contribution and service to the Albanian nation, in preserving and inheriting our common tradition and culture.

Good luck to us.