Multifunctional, characteristic, meaningful and organized form of education

Formë edukimi shumëfunksional, karakteristik, kuptimplotë dhe i organizuar

Rugova Traditional Games "Rugova 2023"

(Days ago, in the presence of hundreds of participants, the LTR "Rugova 2023" was held, a form of sports education for young people through activities, competitive games and physical skills that demonstrate talent, strength, wisdom, prudence, attitude, eloquence and logical order )  

It was the "Rugova" Autochthonous Folk Ensemble, which with the autochthonous performances that originate from the depth of the soul and the depth of the centuries, the one who heralded a good initiative of LRT "Rugova 2023".  

Initially, the raising of the traditional flag of the Rugova Traditional Games "Rugova 2023" was raised by the deputy of the Parliament of the Republic of Kosovo, prof. Dr. Shesedin Dreshaj and from the well-known athlete Flamur Rexhaj, who some time ago in the European competitions in Bodybuilding ranked fourth, will simultaneously be the first Albanian participant in the world competitions.

Then the moderator Yllka S. Zekaj greeted the attendees:

Dear participants!

Ladies and gentleman!

Expatriate brothers!

Officials and government officials!

Compatriots of all our ethnic lands,

Welcome to authentic manifestation


We are together today, in this natural amphitheater, in Bogë of Rugova in this beautiful part of the Albanian Alps, in the Bogë of many men in the voice!

Today, together we will experience the Rugova Tradition through the Games of physical skills, of this precious treasure of our culture in general, and that of Rugova in particular, organized by the Municipality of Peja - as well as the Territorial Communities of Rugova I and II, Banka Private Business, Directorate for Culture, Youth and Sport, in collaboration with MKRS, this activity is organized under the supervision of the Mayor of Peja, Mr. Gazmend Muhaxheri.

Instead of entering:

It is important to feed on our centuries-old tradition, faithfully preserved from generation to generation, and to pass on this spiritual wealth, preserved with pride, to new generations, so that even with the passage of time it does not change.

Also, we give the coming generations the opportunity to better pass on the traditions that have continued for centuries.

Rugova preserved this specific date, this rich tradition, this rare beauty and these traditional pearls with pride.

Culture, customs, norms and games of a people are considered tradition, therefore we will broadcast the same today.

Traditional Games were born from the need to have fun, to show physical skills, talent, strength, wisdom, cleverness and to meet and see young people among themselves, precisely on the first Sunday of August, and over time became an integral part of life in Rugova, therefore these activities became a lesson for young people, as a multifunctional, characteristic, meaningful and organized form of education...

Many prominent figures and personalities from all over our ethnic group participated in these games: the deputy of the Parliament of the Republic of Kosovo, prof. dr. Shemsedin Dreshaj, prof. dr. Zymer Neziri, expatriates Qelë Qelaj, Agim Mujaj and Feriz Muriqi (chairman of the "Rugova" Association from the USA, activists Ramë Abazaj and Osman Lajqi from Austria, Bekë Muçkurtaj from Sweden, Mustafa Lulaj from Germany, Kadri Sheta from Albania, Agim Cukaj , Azem Gorqaj, Prof. Bajram Shala, Prof. Isa Hysenaj, Prof. Halit Gashi, Ramiz Lajqi and many, many other personalities.  

We also thank: the Italian KFOR, the Kosovo police with Sergeant Demë Dembogaj, the emergency service of Peja, the media, ATD TV with Xhelal Tetaj, RTV Fontana with Zeqir Mehmetaj, the owner of the premises where the LRT Xhemë (Arif) Demaj is kept, the DB car dealership car, Rugove water, etc., etc.  
Moderator Yllka S. Zekaj, on behalf of the Organizational Council, greeted all those present and wished you welcome and enjoyable moments.

It was the speech of the chairman of the Municipal Assembly of Peja, Mr. Rexhep Kurbogaj, who also marked the official and solemn opening of these competitions, who, among other things, said: We are trying to pass on to future generations the traces of the ancient centuries-old tradition. These games in themselves contain a great and important cultural heritage, they are part of the historical heritage, they are a good opportunity to pass on our cultural heritage from generation to generation. Through these games we are bringing together the concepts of memory, play and culture, therefore we are proud and happy to support this initiative that transmits our cultural heritage to all of us and future generations, concluded Kurbogaj, at the same time wishing good luck and success to the contestants.

A presentation, chronology of time, was made by Flamur Rexhbogaj, chairman of BT 2, where, among other things, he emphasized the importance of this historical heritage of Rugova. These games are a project that presents a series of cultural, sports and educational games, which are related to the promotion of traditional values with special emphasis on recalling some old sports games, so that the new generations learn that they do not need special conditions to develop the love for sports concluded Rexhbogaj. Also, he congratulated the contestants, wishing them success in the selected disciplines and the participants pleasant entertainment.

Of course, the rich spiritual and cultural tradition was celebrated and remembered, either through authentic games of skills, or through folkloric song and dance, why not our national costumes.

Even this year, the voice of our folklore whistlers Rifat Berisha and Mehdi Berisha, who were welcomed with long applause, also the rhapsody Emrush Januzaj was welcomed by the audience, while the singer Ali Shabanaj echoed with his song.

After the end of the competitions, in a strong competition, the following results were achieved:

⦁ Dropping of hands
First place: Canë Berisha
Second place: Valon Mavraj
Third place: Uran Rugova
Third place: Fidan Lajqi

⦁ Wrestling
First place: Artan Berisha
Second place: Fidan Lajqi
Third place: Edmond Zekaj
Third place: Altin Lajqi

⦁ Llastari throwing
First place: Valdet Cukaj
Second place: Agim Nikqi
Third place: Liridon Cukaj

⦁ Climbing in the shilor
First place: Selim Nikqi
Second place: Albert Neziri
Third place: Pajtim Nikqi

⦁ Dumping of Gurapeshi
First place: Valdet Cukaj
Second place: Agim Nikqi
Third place: Ilir Lajqi

⦁ Tug of rope (women)
First place: Haxhajt I
Second place: Haxhajt II
Third place: Lajqi – Shtupeqi i Vogel

⦁ Tug of rope (men)
First place: Haxhajt
Second place: Batusha
Third place: School sport - Istog
Third place: Drelajt

⦁ Jump Pup
First place: Edmond Kelmendi
Second place: Granit Kelmendi
Third place: Edison Dreshaj

At the end from the Organizational Council: Vesel Nikqi, Nazmi Iberdemaj, Islam Husaj, Shaban Lulaj, Haxhi Ibërdemaj, Flamur Rexhaj, Valon Qelaj, Dan Muçkurtaj, Kapllan Nikqi, Qazim Kelmendi, Jeton Kelmendi and Valdet Hysenaj shared recognition, diplomas, cups and medals for contestants and contributors, not forgetting and recalling the contribution of meritorious members of the organization over the years, since the initiation of these games who are not among us, such as: Smajl Hajdaraj, Selman Lajqi, Imer Neziri, Nazmi Lukaj, Adem Rugova and dozens more like these, who with their great contribution magnified and gave life to these games.  

We can conclude that the purpose of organizing these games is recreational companionship, strengthening relationships and a healthy soul in a healthy body, but of course there is always a healthy degree of competition that gives the participants special pleasure and motivation.
The folklore presentation of AFA Rugova, in the natural amphitheater in Bogë, entered the scene of ethnology and at the same time attracted the attention of the participants, which is at the same time a well-known sociocultural phenomenon.

These traditional competitive games are characteristic of the Rugova region. Their sociocultural value is a function of the socialization process. The games are an important contribution not only for the area of Rugova, but also for our ethnicity in general, because they are characterized by similar social, sports and cultural factors.