Traditional games Rugova 2022

Lojërat tradicionale Rugova 2022

Over time, continuously, multi-dimensionally, through these games of physical skills, the people of Rugova were challenged and tempered to protect the land, the language, the culture, the flag, the home flag and the honor of the nation. The Games - Preserving and Cultivating National and Historical Values Over the years, continuously, multidimensionally, through these games of physical skills, the people of Rugova were challenged and tempered to protect the land, language, culture, flag, home flag and the honor of the nation.

The Games - Preserving and Cultivating National and Historical Values Over the years, continuously, multidimensionally, through these games of physical skills, the people of Rugova were challenged and tempered to protect the land, language, culture, flag, home flag and the honor of the nation.

It all started a mountaineer called Heee, the mowing in Rugovee is over heeee...

then two "kosaq" who were in the meadow mowing and singing...

... I'm glad you're collecting hay, the dress fits you very well

hair for the back, burin on the side, etc

two girls also with gerbujas collecting hay... I heard their story, oh yes, yes....

Then another man from the hills far away, let out a voice of worship, Come on, play with me more heeee

N'Bogë, at 10:30, the moderators through the microphone invite all the contestants interested in participating in the competitions, in all disciplines, it is the time that also marked the beginning of the Traditional Games of Rugova "Rugova 2022".

Initially, in front of thousands of participants from all ethnic areas, the members of the "Rugova" Indigenous Folk Ensemble made a presentation, where at the same time the traditional flag of these Games was raised by the Rugova elder Muç Lulaj from Stankaj and the well-known sportsman Jeton Osmanaj from Kuqishta.

Welcome to authentic manifestation TRADITIONAL RUGOVA GAMES "RUGOVA 2021" were the first words of the moderators Valdet and Dodonë Hysenaj, words which marked the start of these Games for this year, who at the same time continued:

We are together today, in this natural amphitheater, in the Stankaj of Rugova in this beautiful part of the Albanian Alps, in the Stankaj of many great men of history!

Although in difficult conditions due to the Covid 19 pandemic, Today, on the first Sunday of August, together we will experience the Rugova Tradition through the Games of physical skills, of this precious treasure of our culture in general, and of that rugosa in particular

Organized by the Municipality of Peja - as well as the Territorial Communities of Rugova I and II - as well as the Directorate for Culture, Youth and Sport, this activity is organized under the care of the Mayor of the Municipality of Peja - Mr. Gazmend Muhaxheri. in whose absence, Ms. Xhenete Syka, director of Peje Culture, appeared.

The gathering is honored by Mrs. Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Mrs. Donika Gervalla.

To the national culture, the Province of Rugova continuously gave genuine artistic values, including the Traditional Games that united us today, therefore, we were united by this precious popular treasure, this heritage of the past, this pride Ours in the flow of seasons...

At the same time, these are the continuation of the games of the Kelmendi tribe, as old as life itself, faithfully passed down from generation to generation. They are a continuation of the popular games of the Rugova region that have the character of a presentation of the multidimensional traditional tradition, such as the Games of men's physical and martial skills, humorous and entertaining games, songs, dances and rituals.

They are the continuation of a unity and artistic interaction of the choreographic, poetic and melodic element.

Today, we hope that you will experience the folk tradition of the people of Rugova, where craftsmanship, dexterity, individuality, close connection with life, talent, special emphasis - the recognition of young people among themselves are represented.

These Games were honored with the participation of prominent personalities from cultural and political life such as: Hydajet Hyseni, Agim Rexha, Halit Barani, Dr. Zymer Neziri, Dr. Muharrem Gashi, Sylë Lajçi, Engjëll Berisha, Salih Kelmendi, Florim Zeqiri, and many other personalities.

It was the humble speech of the mayor of the municipality of Peja, Mr. Gazmend Muhaxheri, the one who marked the official and solemn opening of these competitions

A word of introduction, time chronology, mark of honor and welcome was given by the chairman of BT I, Mr. Flamur Rexhbogaj.

Then moderated Dardan Lajçi continued: We hope that you are experiencing and enjoying the beauties of this beautiful natural pearl, through these Games of our tradition, of the Rugova tradition

Of course, today we will celebrate and remember the rich spiritual and cultural tradition, either through authentic games of skills, or through folk songs and dances, why not also our national costumes, so before we start the competitions, for a good mood before you, the "Rugova" Autochthonous Folk Ensemble.

After holding competitions, presenting and using physical, mental skills and individual and group agility, the winners of all disciplines were announced as follows:

⦁ Llastari throwing

  1. Vendi i parë: Lirim Mujaj (13 m. 82 cm.)
  2. Vendi i dytë: Liridon Cukaj (13m. 48cm.)
  3. Vendi i tretë: Valdet Cukaj (13 m. 46 cm.)

⦁ Climbing in the shilor

  1. Vendi i parë: Pajtim Nikqi (19 sek. 88)
  2. Vendi i dytë: Mentor Lajqi ( 24 sek. 93)
  3. Vendi i tretë: Meriton Lajqi (32 sek. 66)

⦁ Dumping of Gurapeshi

  1. Vendi i parë: Gani Nikqi (8 m. 27 cm.)
  2. Vendi i dytë: Valdet Cukaj (7 m. 76 cm.)
  3. Elmaz Ahmetaj (6 m. 20 cm.)

⦁ Tug of rope

  1. Vendi i parë: Maja e Zezë
  2. Vendi i dytë: Pecajt
  3. Vendi i tretë: Djemtë e Rugovës
  4. Malajt

⦁ Tug of rope (women)

  1. First place: Haxhajt
  2. Vendi i dytë: Shkreli

⦁ Wrestling

  1. Vendi i parë: Zenel Mahmuti
  2. Vendi i dytë: Haziz Murati
  3. Vendi i tretë: Lindi Lajqi
  4. Vendi i tretë: Imer Nikqi

The echo of the well-known rhapsodist Mehdi Berisha's voice was also heard, which was followed with interest and long applause.

Even this year the competitions were attractive and interesting. They were carefully conveyed and developed in a brotherly, friendly and sporting spirit of the highest level. The beauty and grandeur of these games would not shine without the correct, sporting and professional refereeing by international, national and state referees known in the sports arenas: Nazmi Iberdemaj, Haxhi Iberdemaj, Shaban Lulaj, Flamur Rexhaj, Valon Çelaj, Kapllan Nikqi, Naser Qorraj etc.

All the time all the disciplines were interwoven with musical points of the singers: Mehdi Berisha, Vjollca Shala, Shkelzen Kelmendi, Valdet Idrizi and Florim Thaqi, who magnified this sporting event by dressing it in festive clothes. The voice of the soprano also echoed near the Opera and Ballet Theater and the State Ensemble of Tirana, Mrs. Sofika Kola.

Rating of Races

All the disciplines were quite competitive, attractive and massive. Greater care is needed so that unnecessary competitors are not entered, which take time and become monotonous. This will allow speeding up the finalization of the race and the quality in execution.
Thanks to the international referee Mr. Nazmi Iberdemaj, the distribution of justice was very qualitative and error-free. This reflects that, despite the mountaineer's pride, he could not turn to personal rivalry.
It should be thought that the disciplines are always changed, so that space is also given to those who have not been seen until today, such as:
Horse racing
The long jump and that PUP
Kut e klinc
Keximi I Shokes
Loja Gugje etj
which will not enrich these games but will increase the curiosity of the new generations that they learn, cultivate and advance in other generations.
Thanks to the "Rugova" Autochthonous Folkloric Ensemble, these games are still preserved as a tradition of these three.

LTR organization

It is the assessment of the entire community, citizens, and opinion that these were the Games among the most organized of the previous 30 editions in Rugove.
The suitable place that makes a natural amphitheater, the places for placing people, parking for vehicles, drinking water, public toilets, opportunities for FRI SHOP and food in nature, make people spend a few hours in an environment, atmosphere and recreation that it enables a relaxation from the troubles of everyday life
Surrounding the place for the contestants, placing the place for them, communication with audio speakers and care during the race, were very good and there were no disagreements or injuries.
The ambulance, with the doctors and nurses also, thank God and the very disciplined process, remain without work. So there was not even a single case of injury, even the smallest, from both the contestants and the more than 5,000 people.

The place of about 80 m Shatorra with covers, tables, chairs, was very crowded because more than 1000 people, guests and old, had the opportunity to sit and watch the races well and without effort.


In addition to the acknowledgments that were given to the founders of the games
Rapsodve Vehbi and Mehdi Berisha, Ensemble from Mitrovica, Jehona Alpeve, Ensemble Rugova,
To all donors, MD, MK,
Kosovo Police,
TV 21,RTK, TV Dukagjini , Klan Kosova, Radio Peja,
The organization was made in the first part of August at the request of many of our people from the diaspora, so this was an extra pleasure for more than half of them who were on vacation these days.

Their assessment is

It pleases you, yourself, the people, but we, mostly there in the countryside, have begun to forget these traditions that have been preserved for centuries and carried to this day. Don't let them, work, that's how you keep us alive, there when we're here we have something to tell others about who we are and where we're from. A people with an ancient heritage...keep what little Almedina ordered us, like the apple of one's eyes.
Thanks to everyone for a dignified presentation of these games for the help of KK Pejë, the Ministry of Culture, the Regional Institute for Cultural Heritage Pejë, the Albanian Institute, the UNESCO Commission from Albania TV21, the Kosovo Police.