The "Rugova" Autochthonous Folk Ensemble marked the 75th anniversary of its foundation, activities and work

Ansambli Folklorik Autokton “Rugova”, shënoi 75 – vjetorin e themelimit, aktiviteteve dhe punës

The pearl of spiritual cultural heritage AFA "Rugova" revealed precious national assets through beauty in the art of movement, dance, song, free art, naturalness, purity and aesthetics.

View from the scene

The pride and nobility of our Alps AFA "Rugova", this undying stone of tradition and this source of inspiration for generations, at the festive evening on the occasion of the 75th - Anniversary of life, work, light and growth, held on 23.12.2022, in the Univers hall , Pejë, in front of nearly 1000 guests, revealed the rituals of life and spiritual heritage as ancient as the people who represent it, through beauty in the art of movement, song, dance, free, natural, pure, aesthetic art; unfolded this precious national treasure, in which case this mine of emotions presented the artistic epic full of history, simultaneously presenting the most original symbols and expressions of the creative intuition and imagination of our people.

The first part

The event began with the inauguration of two books about AFA "Rugova" as the custodian of the heritage, docks and customs of this area:

The books were published by the Regional Center of Cultural Heritage in Peja, with over 1000 pages, under the support of the director of this center, dr. Shpresa Gjonbalaj, with editor-in-chief, supervisor and press preparer, prof. dr. Zymer (Ujkan) Neziri, this was an extraordinary job, said the leader of this promotion, Dr. Dardan S. Lajqi, large, several years old, of immeasurable value for the heritage of this area, especially of the Rugova Province, where the ancient roots of the Illyrian cultural continuity of language, clothing, songs, dances, rites and myths, concluded Lajqi.

It was held in the presence of dozens of prominent personalities from cultural, political, social and scientific life. For the first book of correspondence, the following were presented:

Prof. dr. Hasan Mujaj, Zyrafete Muriqi - Lajqi, prof., Arbnesha Kelmendi-Draga, prof. and prof. dr. Valdet Hysenaj. As for the second book, they were referred by: Nazmi Ibërdemaj, international referee and Indira Hoxha, economist.

Second part – Artistic program

The manifestation took place precisely on 23.12.2012 in the hall of the "Univers" restaurant in Pejë, which once again became the support of an activity which radiated culture, art, tradition and history everywhere you looked, in the presence of a number of considered guests and artists, on his 75th birthday, proudly presented the spiritual blessings inherited and passed on from generation to generation.
Lots of participation of prominent local personalities and representatives from all ethnic areas.

75- The anniversary of AFA was magnified by many prominent personalities from our ethnic lands, the ambassador of RK in Italy, Mrs. Lendita Haxhitasim, Consul General of the Republic of Albania in Rome Mr. Franqesk Fusha, members of the Parliament of the Republic of Kosovo, prof. dr. Nebi Bardhoshi, director of the Albanological Institute, Tirana, Rexhep Kurbogaj, chairman of the KK Pejë, activists Mehemt Bardhi, Gjergj Camaj, Marash Dedvukaj, Ali Daci, Haxhi Lajçi, dozens of prominent intellectuals from Rugova led by prof. dr. Hasan Mujaj, dr. Jeton Kelmendi, dr. Dardan Lajqi, journalists Smajl Smakaj and Hajdar Mekaj, professors Işe Nikçi, Artan Demaj, Zeke Muçkurtaj, activists Halit Barani, Ali Lajqi, Rrahman Lajqi, Sali Lajqi, also present were the participants of the scientific table which was organized and held under the direction of prof. dr. Zymer (Ujkan) Nezirit: AFA "Rugova" - treasure of Albanian cultural heritage II and the second book: "Traditional Games of Rugova" held at 14:00, prof. dr. Hasan Mujaj, prof. dr. Nebi Bardhoshi, prof. dr. Valdet Hysenaj, as well as creators Agim Deskaj, Riza Dreshaj, Ali Daci, Esat Loshaj, Haxhi Lajçi, Osman Shala, etc.

This nationwide manifestation was also honored with the participation of organizations that emerged from the KLA war, veterans, invalids, families of martyrs, pensioners, representatives of economic, municipal, political, cultural entities, representatives of the institutions of the municipality of Peja, leaders and managers. scientific, educational and cultural institutions...
The celebration of the 75th anniversary of the "Rugova" Autochthonous Folk Ensemble was organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports.
With general sponsor Radio Television of Kosovo
Meaningful greetings to participants
The voice of leaders Dodonë and Valdet Hysenaj marked the beginning of a big wedding. Welcome
... be white-cheeked, because tonight, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the life and work of AFA "Rugova", you honored us with your participation.
Through today's presentations, we will present the values of the cultural and spiritual heritage of the Rugova ethnoregion, because this province has continuously given genuine national artistic values to the national culture that united us tonight, that is, we were united by this precious popular treasure, this heritage of the past, the present and the future, this pride of Ours in the flow of weather, pride with the whiteness of our Alps.
At the same time, all the recent presentations are some of the masterpieces of the national spiritual heritage with all its elements and will certainly bring back to attention the precious wealth that he conveyed and is conveying to the new generations.
Tonight we will remember together the challenges, the journey and the difficulties that Ansambi faced today for 75 years, for the river of successes, for the unique presentations with the original folklore of Rugova, for the name, the place that made itself in the upper circles of culture and ethnic lands and beyond , for the exaltation and honoring of the Kreshnik Province of Rugovë, Peja, Kosovo, Albania, for the pleasure it offered us today, united us, in marking its 75th anniversary...
Initially, a welcome to participate in the big wedding through a greeting - chronology of times came from the head of the Ensemble, Mr. Vesel Nikçi.
Ensembles from Albania and Kosovo and prominent singers participate in this great event.
It was a long caravan of names and participating singers selected, dignified, debut, from the most loved and heard, as well as ensembles that presented elements from the most wonderful, in a truly worthy atmosphere, whatever it was.
At the beginning, AFA Rugova is presented, who with their program stood out for the mosaic, preservation and cultivation of musical treasures.
The program was promoted and continued by:
Polyphonic group "Gjergj Arianiti" from Mallakastra, directed by the real corypheus of polyphonic song Guri Rrokaj, great master.

The evening was sweetened by Choreographer Tasim Dajqi with the dance of Elbasani

The ensemble with resource values "Bresana" from Opoja,

led by Fejsar Shaqiri presented the autochthonous Albanian cultural trombone of Opojë's heritage with all the genuine values that it has preserved over the centuries and that it cultivates to this day, which was distinguished by its characteristics both in terms of the heavy, calm and manly during the execution, as well as for the field of the morphological construction of the dance.
Association "Atdhetare-Dukagjini" Shkodër,

headed by colonel Ndue Sanaj, represented by the duet singers: Gjon Kosteri and Prelë Milani, Gentian Gropaj and Bledar Hyseni once again proved worthy representation in defense of heritage values, historical and cultural interests of the Dukagjin community, through the sound of whistles hers.

"Josip Rela" ensemble from Podujeva,

with his performance, he showed a good panorama for the advancement of the cultural situation in general, because he is constantly offering genuine values of the popular dance through which he created a unique form of communication with the mass, concluding it impressively.
The ensemble from Deçan, led by Genc Tetaj, included the well-known dance with its repertoire

the folk dance of Dečana, the double dance, in which case the general public was able to enjoy the most authentic traditional dance of this region, played with rainbow colors and saturated with national motifs.
The ensemble "Dardania" from Tropoja, under the direction of Deli Metali, proved that it is the bearer of cultural emancipation and that their dance is older than the dance itself. Tropoian artists, with their constant disconnections from the earth, proved that they have a creative spirit, in order to purify their souls and bodies, but also in
function of work and entertainment, therefore it was no coincidence that it filled the hearts of the guests with pleasant impressions and very bright traces that will remain in their memory.
The singer-songwriter of hit ballads, Esat Ruka, a great master, who continuously gave a lot to Albanian art and culture in general, performed with a special timbre a song dedicated to the historical president dr. Ibrahim Rugova, the eternal, statesmen of global proportions, this song to which Ruka gave heavenly support, bringing joy and emotions to those present.

For the Panxhaj brothers,

the excellent autochthonous folkloric performance and the applause were the best and true indicator of the success enjoyed by the artists, thus returning the artistic and musical image of this area, which it once had, to present the authentic values of the ethnos of this area .

The Folkloric Ensemble is a team of creative people who act as carriers of culture and tradition, their goal is to revive and strengthen national cultural values and song traditions.

the folklore of Rugova, and such a thing is fitting for the great master of AFA Shaban Demaj,

who shone with his song, for the text, music and authorial interpretation, leaving deep impressions on the public and elevating and raising a new monument of art and culture of Rugova, Pejan and Albanian in general.

The song sung by Agim Hysenaj has also been followed with attention, both in terms of its content (motives of bravery and bravery), as well as for its musicality and interpretation.

This iconic folk manifestation was enriched by the appearance of the doyen of the song, Ismet Dema, who once again proved his talent as an artist who dedicated his time and skills to art related to cultural traditions.

Little Drin Blakaj welcomed the audience with his song and clearly showed that he is already a new sprout in the folk music scene for children.

Documentary short films, evidence of history Two documentary films were also shown: Kenagjeqi, directed by Fatos Lajqi, presented during the scientific panel and 75-year Chronology of AFA "Rugova" prepared by Faton Bytyqi, who at the same time used the rich archive of the representative of the ensemble Mr. Vesel Nikqi, the preparation, care and reading of the text Valdet Hysenaj, documentarians who created a real picture of the hard life of the highlanders on the one hand and revealed the long and arduous journey of the masterpiece of Rugova art AFA "Rugova", with all appearances, successes and memory for those who have left us.

Rugova honors the values AFA "Rugova", for the multi-year and multidimensional contribution, for the support and appreciation of national cultural values, honored with special ACKNOWLEDGMENTS on the plaque:

The Minister of Culture Mr. Hajrullah Çeku 2. Municipality of Peja, Mr. Gazmend Muhaxheri 3. Elkos Gup, Mr. Ramiz Kelmendi 4. Kapllan Nikqi, grand master 5. Rifat Berisha, meritorious artist 6. Prof. dr. Zymer (Ujakan) Neziri, folklore researcher 7. Regional Heritage Institute - Pejë, dr. Shpresa Gjonbalaj, for supporting the preservation of the cultural heritage of the area of Rugova.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS with covers Contributing families
Ramë K. Nikqi, Plakaj, Shtupeq i Madh, 2. Rrustem Bajrami, Imeralijaj, Shtupeq i Madh 3. Lake Haxhja, Kuklecaj, Shtupeq i Madh, 4. Ramë Elezi, Ibërdemaj, Shtupeq i Vogël, 5. Isë Elezi, Koshutan, 6. Idriz B. Kelmendi, Gjevukaj, Kuqishtë, 7. Misin Nimani Sejdaj, Kuqishtë, 8. Shpend B. Salihaj, Kuqishtë, 9. Brahë Delija, Smajlaj, Stankaj, 10. Adem Kurtaj, Stankaj, 1 Idriz Lulaj, Stankaj, 12. Haxhi Ceka, Muçkurtaj, Bogë, 13. Shaqir Selmanaj, Haxhaj
Generations over the years
Lirije R. Niqi, 2. Bekë H. Nikqi, 3. Zoje I. Smajlaj, 4. Gjyke Zekaj, 5. Shpresa Lajqi, 6. Violeta Kajtazi, 7. Zenel I. Nikqi, 8. Ramë (Brahim) Nikqi, 9. Shaban Demaj, 10. Florim Nikqi, 1 Fatos Selmani, 12. Rifat K. Nikqi, 13. Dr. Valdet Hysenaj.
Contributors over the years
Ujë Rugove, 2. Elsa Mermer, 3. Restorani “Univers”, 4. Idriz Kurbogaj Post mortum
Shaban S. Muriqi, 2. Bajram Ibishi, 3. Sadik R. Abazaj, 4. Malë Kapllani, 5. Shege Kelmendi Për bashkëpunëtorë
Dr. Bashkim Lajqi, 2. Vjollca Aliu, QRTKK – Pejë, 3. Xhenet Syka, DRKS Pejë, 4. Valmire Husaj – Latifaj, 5. TV – Fontana, baca Zeqë, 6. Kujtim Shala, 7. Xhelal Teta.
Donated to AFA "Rugova"
Fatmir Zhel Hasani, two cobras and an old knife which will be used during the dance, 2. Ajkuna Ibraj - Lajqi, a piece with motifs of the ensemble, Association "Atdhetare - Dukagjini" Shkodër thanks to Shaban Demaj, honorary member and Minella Kureta, great master, shared a gratitude to AFA Rugova, on behalf of the Artistic Union of the Albanian nation, once its director.
During this evening, AFA "Rugova" was distinguished:
For the level of execution of certain pieces of music;
For the evidence that we have creative forces that AFA "Rugova" enabled to unfold their art; For mutual cooperation with certain groups and individuals;
For the testimony on stage, as a presentation of the brotherly spirit, which contributed to the creation of a positive image for AFA "Rugova", this image created for 75 consecutive years faithfully.
The moments, minutes and hours experienced in this 75th anniversary will remain in the memory and image of the participating accil as a special and unforgettable note.
Instead of ending:
AFA "Rugova" with its program proved once again that it has never arranged its artistic activity because its mission was and is to preserve and preserve their genuine nature.
The authentic way of all the performances, dancing and singing, as well as the traditional folk costumes, contribute to the original flavor of the ensemble.
This ensemble during its long history has proven to be a rare, unique asset in preserving the traditional, cultural, musical and artistic achievements of our people, old and new. And now it continues to be a great cultural ambassador for our ethnicity at large in bringing these cultural treasures to the attention of the wider world.